Marinated Sea Lettuce recipe

Marinated Sea Lettuce recipe

Sea Lettuce (Ulva species) is one of my kids favorite seaweeds. Easy to spot & identify along the coast, delicious eaten raw right out of the water. Sea lettuce contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, protein & vitamin C.

One of our favorite ways to prepare Sea Lettuce in the kitchen is to marinate it with a classic Tamari/honey recipe, which transforms the flavor and makes the most delicious side dish. We then eat this on it's own, rolled into sushi, or this week we stirred it through a quinoa dish with fresh garden veges & protein.

Marinated Sea Lettuce recipe

~ Wash your sea lettuce well to remove sand & stones

~ Put about 2 cups of sea lettuce into a heatproof bowl, and cover with hot water. Leave for 5 mins to soften then drain. This makes a big difference to the chewiness of the seaweed!

~ Combine 1 tbsp sunflower oil, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp melted honey, 1-2tbsp tamari (soy sauce), salt & pepper.

~ Add any optional extras like 2tbsp sesame seeds, 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger, 1 clove finely diced garlic. All of these taste delicious in this recipe, depends how much flavor & punch your going for.

~ Mix the drained seaweed with the marinade and toss to coat well. You can eat straight away but this taste so much better if you can leave it in the fridge for a few hours or overnight to truely marinate.

~ Serve cold. Works great on it's own, rolled in sushi, combined with rice/quinoa, on crackers. Trust me you'll like it so much you'll find lots of ways to use it!