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Iceplant / Pigface Muffin Recipe

Iceplant / Pigface Muffin Recipe (Gluten/Dairy/Sugar free)

This recipe is very forgiving, and one I’ve been using for years. I often add or minus an egg or banana, and any fresh fruit that’s in season, always with good results. It does tend to be a rather moist muffin, but I really value that with a gluten free recipe, which can sometimes be dry & tasteless. This recipe is very sweet, just enough to cover the extreme saltiness of the Iceplant without totally masking the flavor.

To get the Iceplant ‘paste’ you’ll need to collect a whole lot of very ripe red Iceplant fruits. Use a knife to chop them off their stalks, if you do it with your fingers they’ll explode and make a sticky mess of your hands. A metal container is best for storage as they will ooze goo all over anything that they touch and get quite messy quite quickly. Once you’re at home, cut the fruit in half and squeeze out/scrape out all the brown seedy paste into a clean bowl. If the green interior is soft and gooey use that too. This takes time and very little comes out of each fruit, but it’s worth the time & patience for the unique flavor.

Iceplant Muffin Recipe (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free)

2-3 very ripe bananas, mashed

3 large organic eggs

½ tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup iceplant paste

1 3/4 cups almond meal

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp gluten free baking powder

Mash the over ripe bananas in a big bowl.

Add the eggs + vanilla extract + iceplant paste and mix well.

Add all other ingredients and blend well with a fork or spoon.

Spoon into greased muffin tins & bake at 170C degrees for 35-45 mins (depends on the size of your muffin tin & oven). Test after 30 mins, and keep cooking until the mixture is cooked through. When a knife comes out clean (not sticky) they’re ready.

You can smear a little more iceplant paste on top for show and extra flavor.