Foraged Microgreens

Foraged Microgreens.

We're camping off grid. No shops, no fridge, not even chilli bin. So it's pretty important to us to find fresh, nutritious greens every single day for our meals.

It's really not that hard in New Zealand as there's so many wild, edible weeds growing everywhere.

For example Plantain, Dandelion & Daisy pictured here. These were all tiny babies and with the rain we've had every night they're super luscious and fresh, a bit like microgreens.

Even better because as Dandelion leaves mature they become more bitter, and Plantain leaves become more fibrous, chewy and slightly bitter.

These were all finely chopped into our salad and heaps of baby Plantain went into our tomato sauce, much like spinach.

So delicious and of course full of nutrition. Also so much fresher than anything wecould buy, having been picked 5mins before dinner.

I've written articles all about Plantain & Dandelion (search the blog articles) covering their medicinal and nutritional properties alongside folklore and history.

These 2 plants are always the first that we cover in my foraging workshops, as they're such staples, easily found & prepared anywhere in the country (& world) with a wide range of uses.