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I was delighted to discover an entire field full of Chamomile ripe for picking, not far from home. The kids frolicked and gathered, and even played hide and seek in the tall Chamomile.

There are many types of Chamomile, the most common varities are German Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita), and Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). The name Chamomile derives from Greek: Chamos meaning ground, and Melos meaning apple. This is because Chamomile grows close to the ground and it’s fresh flowers smell faintly like ripe apples.

Chamomile is very well known for it’s gentle & calming effect on the nervous system & relaxing effects on the body. It’s also a lovely cooling plant which works well at soothing hot, inflamed, skin conditions and rashes.

Chamomile is widely used to treat restlessness, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, agitation. Her antispasmodic action is useful for muscle cramps and spasms. The relaxing qualities affect the digestive system, making it useful for stomach cramps, colic, constipation & digestive upsets caused by tension & anxiety. Also used to reduce pain, relieve gas, settle the stomach, reduce nausea and vomitting.

Chamomile has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, digetive, nervine, diaphoretic, carminative, relaxant and bitter properties.

In the garden Chamomile is said to deter pests, attract beneficial insects and acts as a companion plant, improving the health and wellbeing of other plants nearby.

Chamomile has been found in embalming oils used on Egyptian mummies and hieroglypics refer to it’s use as a popular skincare ingredient in Ancient Egypt.

As you can see in the pictures, it will help your restless children fall asleep! In a field of chamomile! Not quite, but seriously, I used to give my kids chamomile tea when babies, and when older tincture to help calm them down and promote relaxation and sleep. It’s good for adults too! You’ve probably noticed that the majority of supermaket ‘bedtime’ teas contain Chamomile. Even Peter Rabbit would drink Chamomile tea before bed.

We picked soooo much ripe Chamomile, as well as drinking lots of it in tea, I’ve tinctured some in alcohol, infused some in Apricot oil for a delicate facial oil, and am drying the remainder in baskets all around my caravan. It smells divine, and of course very relaxing. Just what we all need right now I reckon!

I’ve also found a recipe for making ‘Calm me’ pills, blending chamomile with ingredients like bliss balls, rolling into tiny pills and then deydrating to store for later consumption. I’m going to give this a go too!