Foraging Workshop: 9th February in Wellington & 23 February in Kapiti. Book now!

Self Heal

Self Heal (Prunella Vulgaris) is an adorable wee gem that flowers prolifically during the Hot Summer months.
I found it everywhere I went this summer, growing abundantly in wild places.
Once you know how to identify this low growing 'weed' you'll find yourself a 'cure' for so many things.
Self Heal really stands out as a first aid & medicinal herb. It has anti bacterial, anti viral & astringent properties & stems the flow of blood. It’s most commononly been used throughout history to treat wounds and heal the skin. In a first aid situation you can make a poutice or a herbal infusion with leaves & flowers to stop bleeding, disinfect a wound, reduce swelling through tonifying & tightening tissues and speed the healing of wounds. I’ve used this often during camping trips as it’s always growing nearby campsites in summer.
Self Heal is good for sore throats, upper respiratory infections, gingivitus and overall oral health. Gargle for a sore throat or make into a mouthwash to calm inflammation, assist tissue healing, promote oral health, and prevent plaque build up in the mouth.
Make an infusion and drink to treat fevers, diarrhea, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart or use as a facewash to treat and tone acne breakouts.
Many scientific studies have shown Prunella Vulgaris’s effect in treating Herpes, Cold Sores, HIV & even estrogen type cancers. That’s pretty impressive for this common little herb!
We'll learn all about Self Heal, (including accurate ID) during the upcoming Summer Foraging Workshops, and it's also featured in my Hot Season Foraging Guide.